The Polly Bond Awards!
The Polly Bond Awards recognize excellence in Episcopal communications across a variety of categories. Independently judged by well-respected and experienced communications professionals outside of our membership, the best submissions in each category receive awards, presented on Thursday, April 18 at the Episcopal Communicators conference in Portland, Maine. All submissions receive valuable written feedback from the judges.
The objective of the Polly Bond awards is to celebrate Episcopal Communicators members (those in the ministry of Episcopal communications) and the work they do serving their communities. Entries must be projects where the Episcopal Communicator member(s) completed the majority (51%+) of the work. We are continuing to ask for more detail on submissions created by multiple people with particular interest in any work covered by contractors, whether paid or volunteer, and whether Episcopalian (a parishioner) or not. The influence of contractors may look quite different depending on the medium, but any and all should be noted in the submissions form. Not all contracted support carries the same weight on a project—for example the creative input of a contracted proofreader is much less than the creative input from a contracted video editor. Both should be noted, and contracted input is not meant as a penalty in judging.
Our intent is to ensure equitable judging among different types of projects, while continuing to encourage the use of a range of gifts at communicators’ disposal. As such, details about collaborations particularly with contractors will be taken into consideration in judging across categories.